Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Incense and Peppermints

Well... you can see, I've been doing a "really great job" at keeping at this blogging thing!

This will be short but sweet... I bought a bike, and on my first ride (proud to say it was almost 3 hours) I went along the beach... here are some pics.... Hooray for NO MORE SMOG....

A picture of the sunset at 3rd Beach

alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5091380140626348290" />
My new BIKE!

Still working on the composition!

Enjoying the sunsets...

...and the vibrant oranges...

Enjoy the rest of your day, where ever you may be!!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Good Vibrations (LOL) ~ Pt.1

"Good Morning ColyVan Pacific"

...and another day begins here at work. I have been working as a receptionist at a Real Estate Management Firm for the past few weeks. Which I should use as an excuse for not writing in this BLOG but I won't, I'm simply lazy! hehe! I'm temping at the mo' but will probably move into a full time position in the next week or so.
It's not a bad job, and I am enjoying getting out of the house, as that was getting really BORING and I was running out of money. This is good for now, but do I see it as a career? I doubt it!

I have scheduled some time tomorrow at Langara College to attend their Urban Planning Program information session. Some of you may have heard me talking about it in Korea when I was there, but it is something that I am interested in, and with the job I am in now and the fact that the classes are held at the college at night, it seems like it might be a good fit, at the very least, to keep my brain from atrophy! Yay for brain exercise!!

The transistion from Korea to Canada has not gone as smoothly as expected! Seems that the reverse culture shock (and being sober for the first time in over 4 years) takes some getting used to.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Knuckle Down

OK... so it's Saturday morning here (about 844 am)... Just a quick BLOG before I head out for my busy day!!

Actually, here is what's on the agenda for me today...

9:30 ----> Eggs and Toast
10:00---> Laundry
11:15---> Haircut (its getting shaggy)
12:00---> head to the mall and return a shirt
2:00----> Shop for a bicycle (something to take me to work)
4:00----> Meet Chris, have some dinner
tonight: head to celebrities nightclub for some dancing.

I'm still on the no drinking train so I can actually afford to go out, cuz you can really only do one or the other here... drink and stay home, or not drink and go out...

Should be an entertaining day!


Saturday, June 02, 2007

Oh, well what can you do?

OK so i just realized that I have been neglecting this blog as of late and that my last post was int he 3rd week of April (WTF). Not that I don't have anything to say just that I havent had the inclination to say it.

So... i mentioned before that I was in training for the 10k Turkey Trot in October. However I have failed miserably in that endeavour. LOL.. Honestly, not a huge fan of running...

So now I am thinking about getting a bike, something that I know that I like! Will go and have a look today and see if I can get one at a consignment store.

Also, on the good news front. I finally made time to get down to Seattle to hook up with some long lost friends from Korea and Thailand! Spent the first 2 days in Bellingham, Washington (which is a beautiful little place) with my friend Kim who I met in Thailand when I was at the Spa doing a fast and Colon Cleanse. We had a great time chatting, hanging out, beach walking, and beer drinking.

Downtown ~ Bellingham, Washington (May 2007)

The Illicit Love between a Crab and Starfish (errr, i think the starfish is eating the crab)

Starfish ORGY!

Plants and the coast!

Watched a coupla movies and ate fantastic Mexican food! On Sunday, Kim gave me a drive down to Seattle, where I first spent more than 2 hours in the giant REI flagship store (the American version of Mountain Equipment Co-op). What fun!

My friend Melanie, who taught with me in Korea in 2004 picked me up where we proceeded to BURN ONE DOWN and head out for Vietnamese food (yummy) . when we got back to her place we watched the BBCs Blue Planet... Hey if you havent seen it then you should.. its grand.

The next day was a Monday, unfortunatly it was a Canadian holiday and my friends all had to go to work!! So I set off the explere Seattle on my own. There were many things on my list... Space Needle, Bruce Lee's Grave, Kurt Cobain's house, the Museum... Unfortunatly, I only got to see one thing, the Underground Seattle Tour (Melanie said it was not to be missed and I agree, it was certainly not disappointing!

The Beginning of the Underground Tour

What's left of a Bathroom in the Underground

Underground Corridor walking towards the Business and RED light districts.

Ye Olde Shop Walls


This is a skylight, underground. Where the light is coming in is actually the sidewalk above me. The history of seattle is that because it was initially settled below the water table it flooded... they had the build up the land before they could actually live on it. so the roads are where they are now, but the shops were below and the people had to use ladders to go into the shops or to cross the street.

well. that's about it for now... Yesterday Astrid left for Amsterdam for a week. I went to her sister Tara's BBQ down at kits beach after work.. caught this lovely sunset...

Ahhh, west coast living!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Rock n' Roll High School

wow, there has been so much going on! i hope i dont lose track of this blog.

i have been getting out a lot more. did another hike on sunday at the base of mt. seymour. it took about 2 hours and i complained the whole time. haha. i just am trying to get into this healthy lifestyle but its hard to curb the lazy ways that i have developed from years of university and years of korea! sometimes, its difficult not to be lazy.

but its now monday and its time to stop talking and start doing. so this morning i started my training for the Turkey Trot! a 10k run held over thanksgiving. it was my first day of running and i have a training program that i am going to use so i hope that i can stick with it.

it started with a 5 minute warm up of walking... then you run for 1 minute and walk for 2 minutes. You repeat this 8 times, then walk for another 5 minutes. I thought i was going to die about 1/2 way through, but i perservered and finished! amazing how out of shape i have become... hahaha... i am blaming the draft beer in korea for that!

its been good to be here because i am certainly not drinking as much as i was in korea. i can feel my liver rejoicing at this fact!!

last thursday, i went to TOJO's Japanese restaurant with Astrid and her family for her sister's birthday. it was my first real experience with sushi, and i can say with some certainty that i am not a fan! the first think that came out was a very large sea urchin, uncooked, still in the shell... it had the consistency of snot, and well kinda made me think that if sea urchin was a kind of jell-o, this is what it would taste like... i washed the piece down with sake! blech! i really dont like sushi!

i drove to the restaurant with Astrid's sister and when we got there astrids parents were already there.. as we were getting ready to sit down astrid's mom told me to sit at the back of the table, in the gay section! ok. the gay section? what the hell? apparently even though she is ok with gay, she doesnt exactly filter what she says and sometimes promptly inserts her foot in her mouth. haha, funny thing is, when astrid arrived there, she didnt have to sit in the gay section,so i spent the whole night by myself at the end of the table.! nice!!

i have also recently discovered the joys and absurdities of FACEBOOK. its kinda like myspace, but it seems to have a wider audience. you join and people can search by your name. i have been talking to lotsa people from high school and middle school. its so random and weird, but in a good way. its like a cyberspace reunion. its been really nice catching up with people that i havent seen in more than 10 years. seeing what people have been up to, and how many have kids and are married! surreal!

I finally got a job on friday. i am now a full time english instructor at vancouver international college. I will be starting in one week. i'm pretty excited about it, but nervous at the same time. i have a lot of experience teaching kiddies, but this is teaching adults which i imagine is quite different. only time will tell what's going to happen. in the fall i am going to start taking courses at UBC, upgrading so i can try to get into their urban planning program. i think i have to take math so that will be a real challenge for me!

well.. i think that's about it for here. Im going to see the vancouver canucks play tonight, game 7 of round 1 against dallas. I sure hope they dont lose. they were way ahead at the beginning of the series, but kinda lost momentum! here's hoping they can get it back...

that's all

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Quiz the Nation

I got 111!
try it yourself.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

These Boots were made for walking...

Whew, It's been a busy few weeks.. I guess I'll start with the sunset.... It was pretty awesome!

We sure did a lot of walking around... here are some photos!

The weathers been good, and the ski hills still have some snow!

and looking for apartments this week!
its going to be a bit tiring!
I got new boots... hikers!

If I were still there we talked about going to Japan!
Sorry to miss it!
love me

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

My Humps

I love Canada... this is hilarious!

Hooray for ALANIS!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

When I was BORN

In 1976 (the year you were born)

Gerald Ford is president of the US

The US celebrates its bicentennial, marking the 200th anniversary of its independence

The Viking II sets down on Mars' Utopia Plains

Promising, "I will never lie to you," Jimmy Carter is elected president of the United States

Israeli commandos rescue hostages from Entebbe, Uganda

The Concorde begins flights from New York to Europe

George W. Bush is arrested and fined for driving under the influence of alcohol

Cray-1, the first commercially developed supercomputer, is invented by Seymour Cray

Freddie Prinze Jr., Reese Witherspoon, Colin Farrell, 50 Cent, Fred Savage, and Shannon Elizabeth are born

Cincinnati Reds win the World Series

Pittsburgh Steelers win Superbowl X

Montreal Canadiens win the Stanley Cup

Rocky is the top grossing film

Filming begins on George Lucas' Star Wars

The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins is published

The Eagles Their Greatest Hits compilation becomes the first album in history to be certified platinum

"Tonight's The Night" by Rod Stewart spends the most time at the top of the US chart

Charlie's Angels and The Muppet Show premiere

Thursday, March 22, 2007

It's raining Men

OK.. it isn't really raining men... more like raining ALL THE TIME... looking for an apartment in this weather sux!! since i have to walk and bus everywhere its a real pain in the ass!! I have looked at 3 apartments so far... and am off to see another one tonight... luckily (or unluckily, depending on rain) It is within walking disatnce of Astrid's place... about 9 blocks east of here!

I've been busy with Megan since she arrived last week.. we walked all around the downtown core one day. and then we both met up with Fraser (another Korean chingu) on onday night to go and watch the hockey game at the cambie. WHAT A GONG SHOW! we started drinking at about 300pm while I ate a plate of wings (1 pitcher of Kokanee)... then we went to the seawall and smoked a big fattie! then we took the seabus to Granville island where we got another pitcher (2)...

after this... i was feeling a bit hammered... we headed over to the cambie to watch the 'nucks play edmonton! we ordered a pitcher of Labatt Blue (that's 3)... and a big ass plate of nachos. then we ran into 3 korean girls and wowed them with our korean language skillz... hmmmm.... turned out that they were tohe absolutely most unkind koreans that i have ever met.... they have about 15 beers on the go and were WASTED... falling all over the place... one girl tried to pick up Megan, Fraser, and I... didnt matter which one of us it was! LOL... fraser had to escort the most wasted one out... and she got all violent that none of us would play with her.. snd started kicking the windows of the bar! weird... YAY for us.. they left their beers.. as this interaction was going on... we had decided that we were going to have a pitcher of every Granville Island brew tat they had on tap... (there were 4 all together, bringing the total to 7 pitchers, +the k.grrlz kokaneees = 8)

next bright idea...Amsterdam Cafe. 'nuf said!

we then crawled into some bar called 320 or 420... i dont know at this point... and we bought another pitcher (9)... i think i had one glass of beer and then threw up into an empty pitcher for about 5 minutes str8!!!!! DAMN! Classy night all around...

I got home at midnite... crawled into bed and died!


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I Don't Feel Like Dancin'

Whee... Really I don't !

I am officially a JJ Bean Whore.. I have just decided to spend all my free time here downloading music and videos and tinkering with my Webpages.. Life is sweet isn't it?

Vacations Rule....

Oh, and I have to thank Wendi for introducing me to Mika and the Scissor Sisters. They are my newest addictions!

Friday, March 09, 2007

The Space Between

oh dear.

so i got both a bite on a job and a bite on an apartment... in the same day.

the apartment: probably way too close to E. Hastings for me but i will go and have a look at it anyhow, as the rent is $490 for a 10x10 room ... the pictures that were posted were nice... but one never knows what the place will look like in actuality. and there are NO PETS, so schwa will have to bunk with astrid!

the McJob: A curriculum developer in an English College downtown. both working in the office and working from home. Seems like I might be perfectly qualified for it, however... it will be hard to send them a resume as I have discovered that this computer has NO word-processing program. ACK! Guess I'll have to lug Astrid's computer down here and try that one...

things are looking up for sure. if only it could stop raining for a moment so i can haul ass home.

Thinking about Apartments, Jobs, Coffee and Muffins!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Brand New Colony


I am sitting in a coffee shop on Commercial Drive in Vancouver. I'm happy to be here...

I got a very large VAT of coffee for $2, and some free wireless internet that my MacBook is loving! I think I will be at this coffee shop often! haha!

So, it's overwhelming to be here.. there is far too much English being spoken and some girl at the next table apparently thinks that she is the only one here and that EVERYONE needs to know her business because in the 1.5 hours that she has been here she has not shut the fuck up. CHRIST!!! Something that I guess I will just have to get used to...

Astrid will stop by in about 20 minutes, she's at YOGA now... and we will have a look at apartments... I am thinking of living in the Westend with the GAY men becasue I feel like this area is a bit rundown for my tastes. I'm not sure... though i do know that the WestEnd is a bit more downtown, and it is also close to Korean land which might be nice to have a few chingus floating here and there. The hardest part is going to be finding affordable housing...

I went to winners yesterday to buy some "dress" clothes (which I hate shopping for). It gave me a meltdown and made me cry. I know it's silly to cry over dress clothes, but really... I hate wearing them, so its hard to justify spending $70 bucks on something that you absolutely hate! ARGH... I know i will have to look nice to get a McJob.... and that McJob will prolly be in an office or some other random Joe-type job!

OMG, that girl has shut up.. she must have run out of things to say!!!

Well not much to say today.. lacking coffee, cheap smokes, draft beer, and sleep.... ACK.. I still havent had a JOINT! what's wrong with this picture???????

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Leavin on a Jet Plane

well this is my final post from Korea.

it's been nearly 5 years since I have lived in canada for long term and I am nervous and excited about it. My apartment is nearly empty and I am watching oprah and getting ready to pt the last thing into my bag (this computer). So many memories and goals that I will take with me. Where do I stand..

I've paid off nearly 50,000 dollars in debt. I've travelled all over south east asia. i got my heart broken and i also fell in love.

i will never regret coming here but i am really happy to leave. I've come full circle and feel that I am leaving with a clean slate and an open heart!

I'm in a good space!

farewell to the old me.... Look out VANCOUVER!!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

You Know You're a Maritimer When...

1. Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway.

2."Vacation" means going to Moncton for the weekend.

3. You measure distance in hours.

4.You know several people who have hit a deer.

5. You often switch from "Heat" to "A/C" in the same day.

6. You use a down filled comforter in the summer.

7. Your Grandparents drive 100 km through 13 feet of snow during raging blizzard without flinching.

8. You see people wearing hunting clothes at social events.

9.You install security lights on both your house and garage and go and leave both unlocked.

10. You think of the major food groups as: Meat, Fish and Tim Hortons.

11. You carry jumper cables in your car and your wife knows how to use them.

12. There are seven empty cars running in the parking lot of the Canadian Tire store at any given time.

13. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.

14. Driving is better in thewinter because the potholes are filled with snow.

15. Your lingerie consists of tube socks and flannel pajamas.

16. You knowall 4 seasons: Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter andConstruction.

17. It takes three hours to go to the store for one item, even when you're in a hurry because you have to stop and
talk to everybody in town.

Ah, Happiness

Thursday, February 22, 2007

My favorite SMURF video of all time!

OK... i really have to get off this YouTube addiction!

The Pyramid & The Fish (haha)

Damn... I'm addicted to YouTube!

I love these guys

Heeeeere fishy fishy fishy!....

The World Spins Madly On

Today was Graduation Day at work. We had strict orders to arrive at the COEX (the GIANT shopping center) by 900am. We got there a little after 9 tho, and i went up to check in and then went for a coffee at starbucks. I came back and my boss was pitching a fit about how i was late... and everyone was waiting for me. I looked around the hall, and well the kids weren't even there yet. The were arriving at 1020... so wha exactly I was late for I will never know. My co-peeps think the was just stresseed out and taking out some frusteration. but i mean... all i did from the time i got there until the kids arrived at 1020am was sit on my ass and text message the other teachers. There was zero logic in being there as early as we were.


anyway, we put the kids in their little cap and gowns.. they looked CUTE... and gave them certificates and awards that we invented out of thin air becasue we had to. I swear.. there were more people at this hall than there were at my university graduation! hahahaha.... You would think they were getting PhD's or something... Kindergarten is DAMN serious business. After the ceremony the parnets bum-rushed the stage and i was pulled in all directions for pictures, posing, flowers and gifts. PS christine's mom gave me the best gift... coffee gift certificates from Starbucks.. HOOOOORAY!! At least i have good coffee until I leave!

the parents were like paparazzi, I have sympathy for rock stars now.

after the shenanegans let up, it was about 1230 so we headed to UNO for some lunch. We started off at O'Kims Micro Brew, but it was not very accomodating... then we tried to go to Jug Jug, but they were booked out for the afternoon... We settled on UNO as a fluke and it turned out t be really delicious. I had one of the best Pizzas I have had in a long time there... nice deep dish chicago style! tasty! had a beer too and headed home...

the bus ride back tot he hood was LOOOOONG.. It took about 1.5 hours in total and because it was so slow I was napping. Needless to say, any plans that we were going to make for going out were put on hold as the three of us on the bus were so fucking exhausted we all went home for a nap... I slept for about 3 hours and woke up just in time to meet my friend NaNa for some food in insadong.. I actually forgot i was supposed to meet her, and was a shade late, but we had some awesome chicken soup and then went to a tea shop and chatted. I'm ging to miss her a lot.

Fears materialized... but were handled with tact!

Stopped at Geckos after that with the girls, had a beer and a chat. I went to pick up a phone card and a woman emerged from the shadows. the conversation went a little like this:

Woman: Hello!
Me: Hi
Woman: What you do?
Me: What?
Woman Me, Sex, $50?
Me: Uh, no!
Woman: Me, go now!
Me: NO!
(followed by me running up te street) hahaha!

I'll miss this place!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

What Sarah Said...

I was marking the kids final exams, and came upon this GEM!

Somedays... Life in Korea is SO worth it!

A View to a Kill

The Adventuring continues...

Sunday's excursion was to the raddest and grandest palace in Seoul! I met the Fab Ethan at Anguk Station and we decided that food would be a great option! We headed towards the Palace and up a side street after an hour... we didnt manage to find any food, but we did manage to find some random museums, and the cutest little neighbourhood that I have ever seen...

Finally, we heded to Namaste in Jongno tower for some eats. The Indian food there is tremendous. I was a bit bummed that my trademark meal was not available (the Thali Set) so I settled on some Butter Chicken Curry, Basmati Rice, and Garlic Nan Bread! awesome! With bellies full to the gills we headed to the Palace. I guess if I were well versed in Korean History, I might be able to distinguish the differences between all the Palaces, but to my untrained eye the all just end uo looking the same. It was a beautiful day tho and the sun was shining brilliantly...

We puttered around for awhile and meandered in and out of the buildings... We walked to the very back of the Palace and saw the Blue House, which is the Korean Equivalent of the American White House! I took a picture and the police watched me to make sure I wasnt a spy or anything! Heheh

After the Palace, we were going to have some coffee, however the coffee shops all looked or claimed to be full! So I took E. to ToyKino, a little toy museum that I had stumbled upon last weekend... It was grand, and we had a good time, taking lots of silly pictures and the like!

Finally, The Egg... a quaint shop... coffees were had, and a Hershey Bar too.

The End!

Friday, February 09, 2007

This is the Year

Well... another week has ended. The time is going so quickly here, faster than its ever gone before. I can't believe that I will be leaving so soon! Wow, where does the time go?

Ah the week started off with a bang... literally. Monday morning at 1:30 am I awoke to a loud BANG and a weird warm feeling in my bedroom! I looked out the window, only to discover that the little flower tent across the street from my apartment EXPLODED! The thick black somke came through the open window and immediatly I (like the idiot i am) believe that the North Koreans are attacking... DAMN! i think, upon further consideration, the space heater must have been left on and the LG gas tanks blew.

Went to my private that morning... Seriously, if i had known it would be that easy. This guy RULZ! I have also decided that single hour in the morning is really the highpoint of my entire's all down hill from here! haha

I think the supervisor of the Kindy program is LOSING her mind. we have this winter festival thing next week, OMG, you'd think it was a broadway production... Such utter nonsence! REALLY! I cant wait until this fucking thing is over!!! @.@ monday and tuesday "The MIG" went totally off the rocker! screaming in the hallways, walking around with pseudo-smile, kicking and banging on doors.. im hoping to catch a video of it some time!

work went quickly, and was filled with drama, drama, drama... On wednesday Slim and I went to quiz nite at phillies. a bunch of peeps were at our table, but sheri and I were being total "quiz whores". regardless, it was pretty good and we came in a tie for 1st! YAY! I believe in the power of crossword puzzles and pop culture!

Thursday I came home from tutoring ... and starteding puttering around purging and packing (P&P)... Dear god it is amazing how much crap one person can collect... Seriously i think the hardest part is deciding which DVDs i must sacrifice in order to follow the strict baggage allowance limits on the plane! I am planning on sending 3 boxes, and taking one backpack, one guitar, and one SCHWA! Those of you who know me, know what kind of a daunting task this truly is.

**Nap TIME**

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Vintage Sesame Street

This stuff is just great!

You guys remember these?

THE YO-YO MASTER (trippy as hell)




ah good memories!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Rubber Duckie

You Are the Very Gay Bert and Ernie!

Two grown puppets living together, sleeping in the same room?
They've even got coordinating striped shirts!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Looking Back to Me...

im getting nostalgic about returning to the MOTHERLAND!!

I love the news from home...

hahahahaha, enjoy

Monday, Monday

hehe, i love eventful days at work. i love days filled with gossip of the weekend!!

Friday, January 26, 2007

You & Me

Oh dear.. seems it's been awhile since I've updated this BLOG.. I promise that I will try to keep at it... had a busy weekend, then a crazy week at work, and now here it is... the weekend again. sometimes in korea, if you blink, you might miss it.

so where to begin? last weekend was a good time. i spent saturday afternoon shopping and drinking beer in songtan, the other military base aout 1 hour south of seoul. a few girls went to celebrate gosia's brthday where we kicked off the evening at a little place called SOUL TRAIN. 2000 won beers and 5000 won cocktails later, our "little" group of 11 had dwindled to 3. by 1230, with the birthday girl settled into the hotel for a good nights sleep... Naomi and i were left carousing, dancing and smacking asses toll about 5:00 am... We ended the evening at a little hip-hop club called stereo drinking a soju kettle and conversing with some guy named squeaky (which I am informed is his hasher name). i'm sure he told me his real name several times that evening but I can't seem to remember it.

we then proceeded to the lion's den (?) at least i think that was its name, where we met up with a lively chap named quentin! we hung out with him for the rest of the night and the whole evening turned out to be quite the blast.

I left songtan in the morning at around 11:00am to head back to seoul for a field trip with my favourite artsy fartsy crew (DY and BC). this was BCs last excursion around seoul to take in the sights and she chose to see the prison museum. i will agree with DY that the prison museum was "underwhelming" yes, it was a bit dull. the highlight was the company nonetheless... Funnily the most excitement came from being accosted by the christians on my way to meet up with DY. they simply would not let me pass by them... they kept blocking my way until i was like "I have no fucking time for this".. not to be rude, but really. so you have to block my way by, for this is a sure way for me to not want to listen to you even more... really though... get a life!

after the museum, we headed to insadong... we cruised around and ended up at the usual place.. we had a korean pancake, side dishes, bul-go-gi, and some kind of unnamed root thingy! WTF! good times and good conversations, we then headed to a coffee shop/wine bar. I had "lemon tea", which was ... i think ... hot country time lemonade! whatever... it was still nice!

said BYE to BC and came home... sunday over and the week staring me in the face!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Arrrgh Matey!

Some of you may know, I am reading "ONE PIECE", it is a fantastic Manga published by Shonen!! Awesome... I am reading book 6 right now, and I am totally hooked! Monkey D. Luffy is so cool... But I like the "master of the three sword technique" best of all!

Portions of Foxes

"The Two Brothers" Korea War Memorial, 2007

hehe... Staying in on the weekend is a really great thing to do. I have a lot more energy and I actually get to see some of Seoul and hang out with my friends without being hungover. This is the second weekend of staying in and I am quite enjoying it. So today's adventure **Drum Roll** War Memorial of Korea

Headed to samgakji station at about 1100 to meet up with BC and DY (duckling yellow) for some much needed social time and gossip. BC is going home really soon... and that sucks, so it is really nice to be able to see some stuff with her before she heads for the green, green, grass of home! We stopped for some coffee and cheese cake at Jeremy's Coffee Shop... YUM! then set our sights on the Museum.

I've been to that museum before, and I found it to be quite dull... Of course, the second time around didnt disappoint, it was STILL as dull as it was the first time... But, again, i was there for the socializing and not the actual museum... I took some silly pictures outside... Random shots, and some nice ones inside as well... We chatted lots, and I talked to astrid while wandering around the model of a "refugee Camp".... Ahhhh... The weather was pretty good, and clear, so the sky was fantastic...

Soldiers Helmet Mosiac

Picked up by a Soldier!

A lunchtime Fondle

Servicing the Troops

We stopped for some K-food... Finally getting poor DY to eat something as he's been under the weather for over a week now! We then decided it would be a great idea to head to the DVD guys in Yongsan to see if they had anything good to buy! For a change I left empty handed in terms of DVDs (i did however buy some CD-Rs that were apparently 800MB, got them home to discover they were labeled 800 but only had 700MB on the disc :(....oh bother) Looks Like I'll just make some CDs with them...

haha... BC picked up the new "Rocky Balboa" film... and though she claims that it isn't for her... I have my suspicions that perhaps she is secretely in LOVE with Sylvester Stallone!!!