Thursday, March 22, 2007

It's raining Men

OK.. it isn't really raining men... more like raining ALL THE TIME... looking for an apartment in this weather sux!! since i have to walk and bus everywhere its a real pain in the ass!! I have looked at 3 apartments so far... and am off to see another one tonight... luckily (or unluckily, depending on rain) It is within walking disatnce of Astrid's place... about 9 blocks east of here!

I've been busy with Megan since she arrived last week.. we walked all around the downtown core one day. and then we both met up with Fraser (another Korean chingu) on onday night to go and watch the hockey game at the cambie. WHAT A GONG SHOW! we started drinking at about 300pm while I ate a plate of wings (1 pitcher of Kokanee)... then we went to the seawall and smoked a big fattie! then we took the seabus to Granville island where we got another pitcher (2)...

after this... i was feeling a bit hammered... we headed over to the cambie to watch the 'nucks play edmonton! we ordered a pitcher of Labatt Blue (that's 3)... and a big ass plate of nachos. then we ran into 3 korean girls and wowed them with our korean language skillz... hmmmm.... turned out that they were tohe absolutely most unkind koreans that i have ever met.... they have about 15 beers on the go and were WASTED... falling all over the place... one girl tried to pick up Megan, Fraser, and I... didnt matter which one of us it was! LOL... fraser had to escort the most wasted one out... and she got all violent that none of us would play with her.. snd started kicking the windows of the bar! weird... YAY for us.. they left their beers.. as this interaction was going on... we had decided that we were going to have a pitcher of every Granville Island brew tat they had on tap... (there were 4 all together, bringing the total to 7 pitchers, +the k.grrlz kokaneees = 8)

next bright idea...Amsterdam Cafe. 'nuf said!

we then crawled into some bar called 320 or 420... i dont know at this point... and we bought another pitcher (9)... i think i had one glass of beer and then threw up into an empty pitcher for about 5 minutes str8!!!!! DAMN! Classy night all around...

I got home at midnite... crawled into bed and died!



Unknown said...

ahahahahah! nice to see canada hasn't changed your korean ways. :)

j. ethan duran said...

damn girl. watch out for those pitchers of beers. they're a killer.

KorJen said...

yes indeed, you can take a girl out of korea but you can't take korea out of the girl!

KorJen said...

the name of the bar was "380"... hahaha.. drove by it on the bus yesterday!