Sunday, March 04, 2007

Brand New Colony


I am sitting in a coffee shop on Commercial Drive in Vancouver. I'm happy to be here...

I got a very large VAT of coffee for $2, and some free wireless internet that my MacBook is loving! I think I will be at this coffee shop often! haha!

So, it's overwhelming to be here.. there is far too much English being spoken and some girl at the next table apparently thinks that she is the only one here and that EVERYONE needs to know her business because in the 1.5 hours that she has been here she has not shut the fuck up. CHRIST!!! Something that I guess I will just have to get used to...

Astrid will stop by in about 20 minutes, she's at YOGA now... and we will have a look at apartments... I am thinking of living in the Westend with the GAY men becasue I feel like this area is a bit rundown for my tastes. I'm not sure... though i do know that the WestEnd is a bit more downtown, and it is also close to Korean land which might be nice to have a few chingus floating here and there. The hardest part is going to be finding affordable housing...

I went to winners yesterday to buy some "dress" clothes (which I hate shopping for). It gave me a meltdown and made me cry. I know it's silly to cry over dress clothes, but really... I hate wearing them, so its hard to justify spending $70 bucks on something that you absolutely hate! ARGH... I know i will have to look nice to get a McJob.... and that McJob will prolly be in an office or some other random Joe-type job!

OMG, that girl has shut up.. she must have run out of things to say!!!

Well not much to say today.. lacking coffee, cheap smokes, draft beer, and sleep.... ACK.. I still havent had a JOINT! what's wrong with this picture???????


KorJen said...

Oh, there is no Astrid... I bet she fell asleep since I woke her up at 430 in the morning!! hahaha! I'm going home now....

j. ethan duran said...

ur funny. good luck with the apartment search. i feel your pain about the dress clothes. what are dress clothes anyway!smooches.