Saturday, December 30, 2006

Even An Ugly Man

There is something addicting about Nip/Tuck.

In order to beat the "stir-crazies"of spending another day at home, I headed back to ShinYongsan for what seems like the 5th time this week. Since I've watched everything in my apartment that can be watched, I was in need of some DVD therapy!

I bought the 4th season of Nip/Tuck, the 2nd season of OZ, and the 2nd season of Weeds. Oh goodie.

Did I mention how much I enjoy my new computer?

So I'm watching the Npi/Tuck DVDs... Episode 5 right now! I just can't stop watching. The vanity in the world is almost laughable! But the interesting thing about this season is the appearance of Scientology. Admittedly, I don't know anything about this religion, so I used this computer to check it out on Wikipedia! It seems like interesting stuff, nothing that I would get into, but interesting nonetheless. I guess the bottom line is, people just need something to believe in. And there is nothing wrong with that.

O my, there is a fight outside my living room window, It must be Saturday!

Back to the TV!!

Friday, December 29, 2006

New Obsessions!

Um, one more thing!

I am addicted to Krispy Kreme Donuts, but only these plain ones

All Over You

Here I am, this is my first attempt at a Blogger!

I have decided to abandon MySpace and well try to keep this online journal up to date. Seems that all the cool peeps have Blogger accounts, and in order to fit in, I will follow suit (seriously, I want to be cool too)!

So, where to begin? Well Christmas has come and gone. All told, it was a pretty fab time... Did some shopping, some sightseeing, some arting, some Scooting (yes riding a scooter all over Seoul)! Pretty good time really.

Christmas eve, Ethan came over and we played Gin and drank Gin until about 4 in the morning, I taught him how to play crib (and he beat me)... He refreshed my memory on gin (and kicked my arse!) Oh Dear! Cards are apparently not my thing! We listened to Indy Radio, and I tortured him with Evanescence!!! LOL!

On Christmas day, we went to see the Science of Sleep. Gael Garcia Bernez was a dilusional hottie, but a hottie just the same! The movie was about 40% French, 5% Spanish, and 55% English... Which meant that I had to really pay attention to the dialogue. This was no easy task as the movie was visually stunning, Bottom line... good flick, go see it.... go now!

Today I just sat at home and watched Morgan Spurlock's 30 days... For those of you unfamiliar with it, it is similar to his movie Super Size Me, where he challenges other people to live like someone else for 30 days... The issues he tackled were as varied as being Muslim in America, homosexuality and binge drinking! That was my hole morning, then I downloaded a movie called Loving Annabelle, about a teacher and a student (both female) who fall in love! The mvie was really good, and the soundtrack was fantastic, so I am trying to download it now... PS I LOVE having the internet at home!

Also spent almost 2 hours on the phone with Astrid. Just chatting and being all giddy and silly. Live is so good these days!