Wednesday, November 05, 2008


I am so thankful, Can't wait to see what happens next!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oprah says.....

OK... I know she is famous and all that, but really people...

"oprah's favorite Diet Berry, acai."
"oprah's book of the month"
"oprah's favourite ice cream"

This list was complied from a myriad of pop-ups on facebook.

Don't get me wrong, she's alright, but seriously people!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Un-Like an old 45

This is what a real "single" looks like... DAMMIT

Friday, August 15, 2008


Three Years and Three Months.... Seriously???

I am appalled. This rant is long overdue and I can't guarantee that I will be playing nice, so this is the warning that there will be lots of swearing and whatnot.. Could be slightly offensive to some.


Today I am faced with the picture again, it stays in my brain, and the reminders take me back to a place that isn't like this at all. How could you do it? How dare you rob children of their lives and harm them all the while pretending to be a a mentor and teacher and friend! Children who don't know any better, who are young, impressionable, have lives ahead of them. I am sickened that you did this, and more sickened by the face that you seem happy. Like you don't give a shit.

But it's not just the children that you have hurt. There are your friends, those of us who stood by you when things were bad. Supported you when you needed it whether it be through time, money or energy. What a fucking waste! Then there is your family, probably wondering where they went wrong, (even though clearly it isnt their fault). Wondering why they didn't know anything about you, why you never called, why you never came home.

Now, you will sit in prison for 3 fucking years. That's it. I am saddened by this fact because what you really need is therapy, and coping skills. Now you will sit in prison and become angry and jaded only to be released to reoffend. That is the sad fact. YOU WILL REOFFEND! How many more lives will you ruin?

I wish i could forget you, forget i even knew you! Forget all the great times that we had. Forget the times where we shared a laugh and sang some songs. drank some beer and stayed out LATE. So many memories of my travels contain you and I am really sad for that. To have my experience tainted by you.


I can't write anymore!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Working for the Weekend


Yay GAY icons!


Saturday, July 05, 2008

If only...

This came into my email the other day.


Must admit tho, sounds like a cushy job....

Dear Teacher,

I am Frederek Sigvard from stockholm, Sweden and work as an Engineer at Chevron Oil Lagos, Nigeria. My wife and Kids recently joined me in Nigeria; she is Swedish and can't speak English. I am seriously seeking for the services of an English Teacher.

I have reviewed you resume online and would like to know if you would be able to come and teach my wife and four kids Ludvig, Helmer, Synnove and Arvid English most importantly is my wife; She would be attending an interview at a bank here in Nigeria soon. I want to know if you can come by July 2008 to teach my family English.

I am willing to offer you US$6,500 per month with health insurance and return ticket. I have a twin duplex which I and my family occupy one of them at the moment, and if you accept this offer, you would be staying in the second Duplex. I will pay for your airfare cost if you accept the offer.

Fred (+234 708 728 6586)

Thursday, June 05, 2008

The cat came back..

ok so...

schwa took a flying leap into the abyss of an abandoned garbage chute!

Goodness me!

He's ok, a bit bruised and a nice slash across his face. But all things considered... in one piece... pics to follow.


First, there is an abandoned garbage chute that was used when the building was built in the 1950s. The garbage went down to an incinerator (which has been long shut off)

Me: Hey you, what are you doing down there?
Cat: meow!
Me: You OK?
Cat: Meow!

So here is the dilemma. What the hell and how are we gonna get him out.


Ah here he is after his visit to the vet for x-rays. Letting the pain medication set in!
No borken bones! good...

First "war wound"... in the war for the great outdoors, it is vacant shaft = one, Schwa, WunderKat = no score!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Well it's been about a month! and look at the fruits (and veggies) of our labour!

hooray.... the growth has been fantastic, and we have gotten most of the pots for free, salvaged from the streets.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Awesome Weekend

Another week has begun...
This weekend was very awesome...

On Saturday, Astrid and I went to Maple Ridge to go Junk Hunting (looking at Yard Sales). We didn't see much in the way of "good" things, but we went to a Church Sale where I managed to pick up a TREK 500 Pro-Series bike for $10 bucks... it is killer. I am addicted to bike projects now and I have a MTN bike already but wanted something faster for the commute to work.

Pretty SCHWEET.... I think I have gone OCD on the bike thing, but both Astrid and I really enjoy fixing the bikes up, so that's great. Her bike is now finished except for the handle bar tape.

Also, BC is here from Australia so Sunday was spent touring her around Vancouver. It was her first visit to Canada-land and I hope she has a FUN time....

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


I haven't mastered all the perks of Blogger yet, and I can't figure out for he life of me how to go back and fix the page so it doesn't look like Shiiiiite! Without doing the page all over again...

Easy Rider

On Saturday, I biked about 20kms with my school friends around Vancouver.

Today I Biked 13.6kms to and from work. I need to get an odometer to record how far I go this summer... I am really curious.

I want to see how far I go during the month of May... I want to not buy a bus pass for the whole summer... Saving me $146.00!!

This is a photo from that day... We were taking up the whole street, and totally flying all around the city. It really didn't feel like we went that far until the next day!

Mac, Huff & Ash (who is dressed as "sperminator") chillin in the cherry blossoms at Granville Island's Coffee Pit Stop.
Sara & Christina waxing philosophic on the "zen of planning" or playing the game "Who would you rather FUCK?" (Stuart or Brian?)

It wouldn't be a first day out without an injury. this one... not very "cool"... it's the metal pedal bangs back of leg.. WHOOPIE.
And... i almost got smoked by a van who just stopped in the middle of the road. when i biked by she said... "o, i want that parking spot, sorry." Also, summer is coming and that means gardens. Faced with agreat deck outside, and creative ways to make it look better, we have created a little garden nook. Got some veggies and fruits there... proably going to et worm composter really soon so that I can have my own fertilizer.

Good times.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Enter Sandman

Well... I keep trying and trying to get onto this thing more than once in a blue moon. But surprise, surprise. I can't manage to get on here at any time. hahaha Not that I am busy at work or anything just facebooking and reading online newspapers.

So YES, I am still at that boring ass job... I don't really need to go inot detail here, just want to mention that I am totally bored, and I am actually taking the time here at work to look for another job!

Finally finished skool for this year... well all except summer classes, but its only one class and its only for 6 weeks. Good news about taking one class, is that I no longer have to purchase monthly BUS PASSES, as I now get them through school. ROCK ON! instead of paying $73/month it will be $38.50/month WHOOT....

Hmmm, I've been run down and tired for the last little while, I think it was just the end of term and the stress of getting exams and projects done. But now thats all behind me and I am ready for the SUMMER... at least this year I feel like I earned it.

On the weekend, Astrid, Kate, Jimmy, Paljo, and I went out to Bowen Island for a nice little retreat. Oh the joys of not having anything to think about for 2 whole days... We just consumed lots of beer, scotch and Green and played board games all weekend! HOORAY! I love Board Games.

Speaking of Board games, For my Birthday, I got the Settlers of Catan expansion set called the Seafarers of Catan we played one full game of it and it was great. We also played a huge game of Carcassonne which is a tile laying game where you build land, and then try to amass points but building roads, cities, and settlements. Kinda like risk and a puzzel! hehehe

Well that is the exciting life of me for today. hehe..
Catch ya on the FLIP SIDE!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Hangin' Tough


Monday, March 31, 2008

Old Skool!

I will be working on this as my PROJECT.


Monday, March 10, 2008

The IDES of March

So, another Monday.

Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate the beginning of the week, but I loathe the going to work bit and the pretending to enjoy this job bit. It's all just utter BS really. I have skool tonight so that will be nice, I am learning GIS and that is the class I have tonight. I actually like this class a lot better than last term. For some reason, the Professor became human or something after the christmas break and now he is funny, cracks the jokes etc.

I have about 5 weeks left until finals and I am excited for the summer, so that I can hopefully get a real job in the city and out of this ridiculous, busy work, atmosphere. I have been working my resume and getting cover letters in order. I will send out to applications today and see what happens. One for a private developer firm and one for the city of Vancouver. I have sent out 3 other letter and resumes to West Van, New Westminster, and Saint John but as of yet have had no bites.


Oh, I thought I would add a picture of my apartment here. I live on the very top floor, yes the little box on the top... Its a tiny little piece of paradise.. Very much love it... we finally let the cat out on the PATIO and he really enjoys it...
He likes to sit and watch the birds and sometimes he shases them, but he has been really good and has not wandered off the patio...

Well... I guess there isn't too much to say today. back to the studying... reading... and general planning learning.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Fight for your Right to PARTY...

Skool has been keeping me busy. It seems like just when I get (or think that I get)a handle on things, the workload just steamrolls me into oblivion. Seriously, who knew College would be so difficult to time-manage? I spent 6 years in University working towards two degrees and I feel like I haven't worked as hard in those 6 years than I have in the past six months. I am enjoying to work though so it makes it at the very least berable.

So I am trying to decide what to do for the summer. I could try to set up some sort of internship here in Vancouver working either for the city, or for a private consulting firm, or perhaps I could head back to the east coast and look for an internship there, and hang out with my parents and long lost friends for the summer. I guess I should make a decision one way or another in the next few weeks so I can tweak my resume and get the cover letters out.

Tonight Astrid and I scored sweet tickets to the Vancouver Giants hockey game. Really like going there its really fun... They are part of the CHL, and play for the Western Hockey League. Its coming up on playoffs so the game should be intense.

I have quit drinking beer. It's been 2 weeks. Unfortunatly I have replaced the beers with weed and am now barred from smoking that as well... Its for the best though as I failed my LAW test cuz of not studying and and being incoherent.. LOL. I have this guy who delivers and i had to delete his number cuz I am not responsible enough to have it. oh bother.

I have been riding my bike to school for the past 2 weeks. It's true that you never forget how to ride your bike. I bought a bike last summer, and rode it a few times, but now all the people I go to school with ride their bikes and in an effort to join the cool club, i am doing it as well... to give some sort on context, I live in a reasonable flat area, which is good, and it takes about 15 minutes to get to school. I live on 15th avenue and my school is on 49th avenue (I bike 34 blocks to school)! I am feeling better about doing that, good for the environment and good for my body. The first time i did it I was so tired after, but it is getting easier and easier.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Not good at blogging

So it is true, I am really not good at blogging. Not that i dont have anything to say, just that I never take the time to put my thoughts down on paper! Weirdly enough, if you wanted to talk to me, i would have PLENTY to say, but I just can't manage to keep this thing current. So I will try again!

It's been a hella long time since I last wrote in this thing! I was just fresh off the plane and settling into Vancouver. Now It's a new year... and I'm still settling into vancouver, 9 month later. I think I like it here, but I can't be 100% sure. There are certainly things that I enjoy, the nicer weather (winter excluded), the summers here rock. I have made some friends independant of Astrid, which I think is crucial to my happiness here... As I am always the Social Bug! Being in School has been really great. Even though I don't feel like I have learned a lot (maybe I'm just overwhelmed, and I really have) I am really enjoying the courses.

UIrban Planning is an interesting thing. I have been having mixed feelings about my professors as of late. I have been calling them "dreamcrushers" as they are only interested in telling us all the things that are NOT possible in the world of planning. This is a career and I will certainly find it really hard to work in this field if I feel like a CRAP Government Sleezeball all the time. I'm pretty sure that I will not be working for the Provincial Government, but rather pushing forward with my dream of working for the United Nations in Developing Countries! I'll be damned if i let them try to quash my dreams.

On the work front things have not really improved. I am just an administrative hooker, and while i need the money and will try to trudge on as best as I can, it is becoming increasingly difficult to get out of bed and get to work. I work with a bunch of lame people, which doesn't help the cause in the slightest. One of the other women here is clearly losing her mind and as she falls deeper and deeper into her mental illness, the rest of us have to suffer her weirdness (the woman is WHACK!) She used to like me but then accused me of stalking her a few month back and hasent talked to me since. WEIRD-O!! I have started applying for other jobs in the hopes that I can get the hell out of here....

Our project for this term at school is to develop a neighbourhood plan for an area of Vancouver. The great thing about it is the fact that we get to work on teh project all term and that will be most excellent in terms of being able to focus on one thing for a greater period of time.

OK, I really gunna try to keep at it...