Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate the beginning of the week, but I loathe the going to work bit and the pretending to enjoy this job bit. It's all just utter BS really. I have skool tonight so that will be nice, I am learning GIS and that is the class I have tonight. I actually like this class a lot better than last term. For some reason, the Professor became human or something after the christmas break and now he is funny, cracks the jokes etc.
I have about 5 weeks left until finals and I am excited for the summer, so that I can hopefully get a real job in the city and out of this ridiculous, busy work, atmosphere. I have been working my resume and getting cover letters in order. I will send out to applications today and see what happens. One for a private developer firm and one for the city of Vancouver. I have sent out 3 other letter and resumes to West Van, New Westminster, and Saint John but as of yet have had no bites.
Oh, I thought I would add a picture of my apartment here. I live on the very top floor, yes the little box on the top... Its a tiny little piece of paradise.. Very much love it... we finally let the cat out on the PATIO and he really enjoys it...
He likes to sit and watch the birds and sometimes he shases them, but he has been really good and has not wandered off the patio...
Well... I guess there isn't too much to say today. back to the studying... reading... and general planning learning.
nice pad!
are you going to daytona beach for spring break!!
Not going to daytona beach..
I've been there before..
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