Well... I keep trying and trying to get onto this thing more than once in a blue moon. But surprise, surprise. I can't manage to get on here at any time. hahaha Not that I am busy at work or anything just facebooking and reading online newspapers.
So YES, I am still at that boring ass job... I don't really need to go inot detail here, just want to mention that I am totally bored, and I am actually taking the time here at work to look for another job!
Finally finished skool for this year... well all except summer classes, but its only one class and its only for 6 weeks. Good news about taking one class, is that I no longer have to purchase monthly BUS PASSES, as I now get them through school. ROCK ON! instead of paying $73/month it will be $38.50/month WHOOT....
Hmmm, I've been run down and tired for the last little while, I think it was just the end of term and the stress of getting exams and projects done. But now thats all behind me and I am ready for the SUMMER... at least this year I feel like I earned it.
On the weekend, Astrid, Kate, Jimmy, Paljo, and I went out to Bowen Island for a nice little retreat. Oh the joys of not having anything to think about for 2 whole days... We just consumed lots of beer, scotch and Green and played board games all weekend! HOORAY! I love Board Games.
Speaking of Board games, For my Birthday, I got the
Settlers of Catan expansion set called the
Seafarers of Catan we played one full game of it and it was great. We also played a huge game of Carcassonne which is a tile laying game where you build land, and then try to amass points but building roads, cities, and settlements. Kinda like risk and a puzzel! hehehe
Well that is the exciting life of me for today. hehe..
Catch ya on the FLIP SIDE!