Sunday, August 30, 2009 update

pretty sweet... since i love taking photographs, this really made me happy.

I saw a movie the other day that was filmed in san fran, and the characters walked right by the mural that was included in the pictures!!!!!

ps: the movie "fruit fly" was awesome, you all have to go and see it.


Schmap San Francisco Eighth Edition: Photo Inclusion

Hi Jen,

I am delighted to let you know that your three submitted photos have been selected for inclusion in the newly released eighth edition of our Schmap San Francisco Guide:

Painted Ladies-Alamo Square

Mission Murals

Sutro Baths

If you use an iPhone or iPod touch, then these same links will take you directly to your photos in the iPhone version of our guide. On a desktop computer, you can still see exactly how your photos are displayed and credited in the iPhone version of our guide at:

Painted Ladies-Alamo Square

Mission Murals

Sutro Baths

Finally, if you have a blog, you might also like to check out the customizable widgetized version of our Schmap San Francisco Guide, complete with your published photos:

Thanks so much for letting us include your photos - please enjoy the guide!

Best regards,

Emma Williams,
Managing Editor, Schmap Guides

P.S. We're now tweeting San Francisco restaurant and bar picks at
If you've a favorite you'd like us to tweet, please visit

1 comment:

j. ethan duran said...

look at you!
that's so cool.