Sunday, June 28, 2009

... remember the time ...

ah, went through a bit of a spell there didn't i? oh, back to our regularily scheduled programming now. so these days life is pretty good. i am riding my bike lots, talking films, enjoying cultural education, connecting with people. very nice indeed! it's a sunday night and i am curled up on the couch, burning through a marathon session of deadwood (season 2), whilst cruising around on the "www."

this was an interesting week, one of the first times since i've been home that i have had a kinda blah feeling. when i got back from my trip i felt amazing. i had spent a lot of time healing a broken heart, learning to be confident and strong. the trip was good for me on so many levels but particularly an emotional one. time and distance really was the difference between recovering and continuing to wallow. one thing i have definitely learned is that i am finally over my ex! That alone was a really freeing experience.

The support of my friends was quite simply amazing. true friends who went above and beyond the call of charm, wit, and congeniality, played excellent host to this couch surfing canadian. we chatted, drank beers, ate wonderful food (even the beans, lentils, barley, and rice), as if we had been living next door to each other for ages. it had been three years or so since we parted ways from korea to return to our "real" lives in north america. over the course of six-weeks, i slept in their beds, on their floors, their couches, used their soap (and maybe i stole a razor), ate their food, probably helped them spend more money than they normally would. they were generously kind, wonderful, entertaining and gracious. i probably didn't thank them enough when i was there, and i really, really want to thank them now. you guys rule!

the elevator to my friends place in the richmond district of San Francisco

oakland city centre BART station, home base!

and then it happened!
Serendipity is the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate, especially while looking for something else entirely.

the plan: out with fab gay friend to the castro, after wild bay to breakers run, for window shopping, eye candy and bar stool hopping.

the result: sitting single in the mission district's les watering hole The Lexington, staring into a glass of PBR, texting like a fiend, and grunting about my lame friends.

accidental discovery: a girl


a random conversation, while watching each other's bags for smoke breaks, led to a really entertaining evening out (on a sunday), an amazing dinner the following evening, and a late night beer and appies fix, with ride on cable car (to cap off the mini weekend). a lovely end to my vacation to be sure. i had no idea at this point that i would be, only 3 days later, on a plane to las vegas to continue the adventure. Rat Packers beware... a couple of lucky, high on life, ladies just rolled into town. it's roughly been a month that i've been home and when i think about her i smile. she taught me a valuable lesson: it is possible to love someone for who they are, and you should accept nothing less for yourself! we agreed to be honest and communicate - be kind - she has earned my respect for her honesty, and continues to surprise me at every turn. so thank you rad girl, for re-teaching me some of the things i had long forgotten about myself :)

it's now almost midnight, and i wanted to leave this little shot because it made me chuckle!

i figured this happened, but i didn't expect someone to make a profit. pretty funny, dummy looks like he's headed to school in the 90s.


1 comment:

j. ethan duran said...

did you take my underwear too!
great post, my friend. you know my door is always opened no matter where i'm living. it was great having you here. love ya. miss ya.